Friday, July 15, 2011

In Defense of Marriage

A big issue in the world today is marriage. It is a belief that perhaps the entire concept of monogamy is outdated and no longer counts for our society.

But it is my belief, and the church's, that marriage between a man and a woman is one of the most important principles for everyone. Some might argue that there are no benefits to marriage, and that cohabitation is a much better choice financially and emotionally. But marriage has the greater benefits.

In marriage, couples are able to connect in different ways, including emotionally, mentally, physically, and with their values. There is complete devotion to each other in this union and you are able to share your deepest feelings and emotions with each other. In addition, married couples are happier. "No part of the unmarried population--separated, divorced, widowed, or never married--describes itself as being so happy and contented with life as the married" (Coombs, 100 ((1991)). Meanwhile, cohabitating couples do not share this same benefit. "Cohabitating couples experience greater conflict, lower quality of relationships, lower stability, and lower equality for the women involved" (1).

Married people also live longer. A few different reasons contribute to this. For one, when you are married you make less risky decisions. Next, you eat healthier and more frequently. I know there have been so many times in college that I have lived on ramen and mac n' cheese. But when I one day get married I am going to be making delicious healthy food for me and my husband. I wouldn't want him to live on spam and rice. (Hopefully I'll be able to afford a healthier version of spam).

There are many financial benefits to marriage too! Parents get tax exemptions for not only being married, but also for every child they have. People also pay less for things like insurance and rent because they are now combining both paychecks for one payment. Also, "Married couples are wealthier and spend less than divorced, never married, and widowed households" (2).

And finally, married couples experience greater sexual fulfillment. The media today presents the idea that people have the greatest sex in infidelity or without control. However, this is far from the truth. Research from The National Health and Social Life Survey and the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the "faithfully married people report being well-satisfied with their sex lives, more so than any other category of sexually active people". Also, "married men and women are least likely to lack interest in sex or to consider it unpleasurable and are least likely to associate sex with feelings of fear, anxiety or guilt" (3).

There are countless benefits of marriage, from finances to health to happiness. And I believe it truly is one of the most important decisions and steps one can take in their lives.

1. Dollahite, Strengthening Our Families: An In-Depth Look at the Proclamation on the Family. Brigham Young University. 2000. pg. 20.

2. Dollahite, Strengthening Our Families: An In-Depth Look at the Proclamation on the Family. Brigham Young University. 2000. pg. 19.

3. Michael et al. (1994); E. O. Laumann, A Paik, and R. C. Rosen (1999), Sexual dysfunction in the United States; Prevalence and predictors, Journal of the American Medical Association, 281, 537-544

4. Image:

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