Thursday, November 29, 2012


Marriage is talked about so often here at BYU-I that the proverbial horse has been beaten to a state of immortality. We are counseled over and over again to prepare for marriage even if we’re not looking for a spouse at the moment. We have been told to not just look for the right person, but to become the right person.

Our discussion from class on preparing for marriage made me think of how I prepared for my marriage. It’s weird to think about it now, but I had this huge moment where I decided I wanted to get ready to go to the temple. I was having a rough time with spirituality and decisions on what to do. It finally came to just getting on my knees and praying like I never had before for help and guidance. And doing so started this drastic change in my life. While before I had been relying on myself for everything, I began to listen to the Holy Ghost and threw out all the things that were dragging me down. It was during this time that I met my future husband.

This change in my spirituality helped me prepare for marriage. Before then, I thought that preparing meant becoming financial independent and learning how to communicate effectively. Those are good things, but becoming spiritually strong and prepared is more important. I needed to be on the same level as my husband. If we had not been, I don’t think we would have been married for a long time. Perhaps things would have gone differently. But I am so glad things went how they did. 

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