Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rich Man, Poor Man

The word class is thrown around very often in today’s society. The middle-class and the economy go hand in hand when discussing the future of our nation. In our discussion it was interesting to have more than economic standing correlate to class. Class can be boiled down to your reputation, social standing, etiquette, where you live, how you live, etc.
It was intriguing to think about how class ties in to Heavenly Father’s plan for families and how we should raise them. I think that where you are financial may come in the way of parenting. For example, if a parent has to work many hours because the family is in poverty, the children are left alone. They raise themselves. However, this situation can pertain to any financial situation, whether the family is rich or poor.
The discussion made me think of my own family situation. My husband and I are poor as dirt. I don’t think we can afford dirt. But that’s how it is suppose to be when you first get married. We don’t have any kids yet, but I’m hoping that by the time we do we’ll be okay financially. I want to be home with my kids. I know that if there were an emergency I would go work so that my family wouldn’t starve. But I hope that no matter where we are financial, we’ll remember how important families are. 

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